Date 日期: 26 & 27 March 2022 |2022年 3月26日 及 3月27日
Time 时间: 7.30pm to 9.00pm (Doors open at 7.00pm)
Venue 地点: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Auditorium, Level 9
Performing in Shanghai Yue Opera, with Chinese & English subtitles
Due to the overwhelming response, we have closed our registration of tickets for 26 March 2022 (Saturday)! The tickets/seats of 26 March have been “FULLY REDEEMED”.
Thank you very much for your support and we look forward to welcoming you to join us in celebrating the rebirth of the theatre!
*Redeem your 27th March (Sunday) tickets now, while stocks last!*
由于反应热烈,我们已关闭 3 月 26 日(周六)的门票领取登记! 2022 年 3 月 26 日(周六)的门票/座位已全部兑换。
*立即兑换 3 月 27 日(周日)门票,送完为止!*
(Please click the following link and redeem your tickets!)
* Limited tickets, first come first serve 门票有限,先到先得 *
Make a donation today
Shanghai Yue Opera - Events Details:
"The Enchanting Phantom" is a reimagined classic scripted by Dr Chua Soo Pong based on Qing Dynasty Chinese writer Pu Songling (1640 -1715) text. Nie Xiaoqian is a beautiful female phantom, interred in an old temple infested with ghosts and controlled by the Tree Spirit. Nie is coerced to seduce men for the Tree Spirit who feeds on humans fresh and blood. Nie encounters a pale-faced scholar and a filial son, Ning Caicheng. He resists her and takes her from her haunt. Finally, Swordman Yan, a ghostbuster, kills the Tree Spirit after a great fierce fight.
This story has enchanted many for generations and we believe it will continue to be enchanting. We have commissioned music composer Xu Jianhang to compose the original music for the entire epic and own the IP rights for the musical scores.
On 26 and 27 March 2022, we will be making our appearances to a live theatre audience after enduring a pandemic-enforced hiatus of two years. While we have produced a few video productions during this period, nothing beats the face-to-face encounter with an audience. Besides "The Enchanting Phantom", we will be staging the most exciting excerpts of "Macbeth". Original written by William Shakespeare “Macbeth”. Reimagined into Shanghai Yue Opera by Dr Chua Soo Pong.
The Enchanting Phantom:
Script Writer: Chua Soo Pong Director: Lin Hong Music Composer: Xu Jianhang
Macbeth -The Emperor's Dream:
Script Writer: Chua Soo Pong Director: Zhuang Hui Xuan Music Composer: Tian Jiafeng
上海越剧 - 演出详情:
《聂小倩》是蔡曙鹏博士根据清代中国作家蒲松龄(1640-1715)的著作改编的经典作品。讲述的是一位美丽的女鬼-聂小倩,被埋葬在一座鬼魂出没的古庙里,被妖力高强的树妖控制着。 聂小倩被胁迫,为以人类鲜血为食的树妖勾引男人。机缘巧合遇见了一位眉清目秀的孝子-书生宁采臣,他帮助聂小倩抵抗树妖,将她从古庙带走。最后,捉妖人-燕大侠与树妖一番激战后,最终成功杀死了树妖!
这个故事已经吸引了几代人,我们相信它还会继续传承下去、继续令人着迷。大唐文化传播亦委托了作曲家徐建航,为这部经典作品创作原创音乐,并拥有乐谱的知识产权。 让这扣人心弦的剧本锦上添花。
在经历了因疫情而被迫中断的两年后,我们终于可以在2022 年 3 月 26 日至 27 日与观众见面,带来两场现场演出。虽然我们在疫情期间制作了一些视频作品,但没有什么能与观众面对面交流来得更重要的了。除了《聂小倩》,我们也准备了见面礼, 为来到现场的观众们带来《皇帝梦 》 最精彩的选段。莎士比亚原著《⻨克白》, 由蔡曙鹏博士改编为上海越剧。 全长90分钟的上海越剧表演,绝无冷场!
编剧: 蔡曙鹏 导演: 林宏 作曲: 徐建航
编剧: 蔡曙鹏 导演: 庄惠煊 作曲: 田稼丰
This project is supported by National Arts Council, Arts Fund and Cultural Matching Fund.

Are you curious about the process of putting up a performance?
We have made you a Shanghai Yue Opera Appreciation Night 2022 “Behind the scenes” video. Recap the performance with us now!
**Watch the full version on our YouTube channel, click the link below**
我们为您制作了 2022 年上海越剧欣赏晚会“幕后花絮”视频。 现在就和我们一起回顾演出吧!